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User Login


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Login to Minerva
McGill's central information system

The Minerva login page has changed. Please take note of which login method you should use:

Students, Alumni, Instructors, and Staff - If you have a valid McGill username and password click "Login" under Students, Alumni, Instructors, and Staff.

  • You will need to enter your McGill username and password and follow the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) steps.
  • If you've already logged into one of McGill's applications, you will automatically be directed to the home page via Single Sign-On (SSO).

Applicants and Guests - If you do NOT have a valid McGill username and password, enter your McGill ID and PIN and click "Login"

For any issues or troubleshooting assistance, please consult the Help File.

This is a private information system for use by authorized personnel only. Unauthorized access may lead to legal prosecution. All Minerva users agree to comply with the Policy on the Responsible Use of McGill IT Resources. Problems logging in? Click HELP in the top right corner. When finished using Minerva, please click EXITand close your browser to protect your privacy.

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Release: 8.11